Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas came and Christmas went and I do hope that all my family and friends wherever you
are in this world had a very blessed day. For  2013 that's lurking around the corner my wishes are that it will be a prosperous and happy year for all. We are on the eve of this new year and we should all strive to make this  world a better place to live in for our children and grandchildren

Mila was launched on the 20th December after spending six weeks on the hard. I had her bottom sandblasted and painted and she received two coats of anti fouling. There were some rust in the anchor locker and this was fixed. She is looking great with her polished topsides and varnish work.

Carlene and I sailed her to Kraalbaai and it was such a fantastic feeling to drop the hook again in this beautiful setting after an absence of nearly 9 years.
Hennie my son and his family are spending the Christmas holidays on her. I will then sail her back to Port Owen on the 5th January where she will be moored to the dock almost in the same spot where she was before we left in 2006.

Mila's mast have some electrolysis so I will have to get the mast people to step the mast and get it painted, and at the same time I will get the new wind instruments fitted.

We had plans, that is my son and I, to sail Mila to the Med in 2013 but due to circumstances we decided to postpone our trip till 2014. He has to attend a concrete congress in America and I will have to manage the business in his absence. Then there is the houseboat that must be completed so it looks like 2013 will be a busy year for all
That's all the news for the moment
Till later

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