Sunday, May 05, 2013

We are almost halfway through 2013 and it was Christmas just yesterday.
Mila was lying at anchor in Kraalbaai since late December and we all had  fun times on her.
Hennie, my son, and his family spent the  holidays on her and I spent time on her over the weekends. The South Easter played her part and I had a horrible Easter  with the wind howling at 30 knots.
It was time time to leave Kraalbaai and I took Mila to Port Owen, but after being told about all the instruments and goods that were stolen and break ins, I change my mind and took Mila back to Saldanha. She is now safely tied up in the marina at Yachtport. Quite expensive but the facilities are excellent and the marina is well protected and the security is of a very high standard.
I replaced all the old Navman instruments with the new range of Raymarine instruments and she is getting new TBS material on the deck. I fitted a new silent flush Jabsco toilet so hopefully that problem will go away. I think one can write a book about problems with toilets on a yacht.
I will slowly get her ready for the crossing next year.
That's all for now till next time


Thursday, January 03, 2013

To all my family and friends all over the world my wish is that the year 2013 will be a healthy, happy and a prosperous year for all.
It is this time of the year that one should pause make a quiet moment and think. Remember those that past away in 2013 cherise their memories. Think of all the good things that happened and wipe out those bad things. We always wish people happiness but do we always try and contribute.
My resolution for this year is to be more compassionate, try and do good to others, be  a better driver on the roads be more tolerant even to the Black Taxis, although this will be very difficult.
Plans for this year is to be more involved in my son's business. Spend more time with my loveones. Do some more maintenance on Mila, spend more time in the gym and just enjoy a healthy lifestyle
To all my cruising friends out there on the seven seas I hope that you will have fair winds and beautiful anchorages
Till later