Monday, December 17, 2007

Cape Town to Trinidad

Royal Cape Yacht Club
Finally we are preparing to leave Cape Town for the crossing to Trinidad. Amazing Grace an Admiral 50 owned by Randy and his wife Jeanette was launched two weeks ago and after some sea trials we are set to go. John Kotze the skipper is doing the delivery to Miami on behalf of Admiral Yachts. The American owner and his wife are joining us on the crossing, this is a first for them and they are looking forward to the experience. This will have to be a fast trip and we hope to have favourable winds as Amazing Grace must be at the Miami boat show in February. Plans are to leave Wednesday the 19th so it will be Christmas and New Year on the water. This will be my first experience doing a crossing on a catamaran so I am looking forward to this. John has a lot of sea miles under his belt and has done several crossings as a delivery skipper, I am confident that we will be a good team, Randy and Jeanette are very eager to learn. We are taking a direct route to Fortaleza in Brazil and then on to Trinidad.
It is with mixed feelings to leave South Africa after a year, sorry to leave love ones and friends behind but looking forward to be on Mila, to see Milo my cat, see my friends, do some sailing and to have the Caribbean wind blowing through my hair again. I had wonderful times with the family and enjoyed my three grand daughters. They are growing up so fast.
I am satisfied that my son's business is doing well, the programs and plans that I implemented in the office are working well.
That is all for now and will update the posts once I get to Trinidad

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